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Sharing the Good Things - Bulletin d'information
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Programme d’évaluation aiguë
Programme Bayview de double diagnostic
Programme Georgianwood de troubles concomitants
Programme Horizon de psychiatrie gériatrique
Programme Sans Souci
Services pour patients externes
Carrefour bien-être pour les jeunes de Simcoe nord
Services de logement
Services de réadaptation
Programme Brébeuf pour patients médico-légaux
Programme d’évaluation médicolégale
Programme Awenda
Programme Beausoleil
Programme Beckwith
Services gériatriques spécialisés
Psychothérapie structurée Ontario
Premiers soins en santé mentale
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Déclaration des valeurs de rétablissement
Réseau télémédecine de l'Ontario
Sécurité des patients/clients
Photographie et vidéo sur notre campus
Hôpital sans tabac
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À Waypoint
Interruptions téléphoniques actuelles
Announcing new urgent care clinic and on-call support service for family doctors and emergency departments in the Simcoe/ Muskoka Region looking after patients who are under age 18 (en anglais)
Leaders in the mental health and addiction sector respond to Ontario’s Fall Economic Statement (en anglais)
Family & Friends Charitable Golf Tournament Launches Ticket Sales for 2022 Golf Ball Drop (en anglais)
New Waypoint Medical Director, Clinical Informatics and Quality Standards, will support a learning health system approach at Waypoint (en anglais)
Waypoint Announces new Vice President of Research and Academics and Chief Scientific Officer (en anglais)
Statement from Health Service Providers in Ontario’s Central Region (en anglais)
Joint message from North Simcoe Muskoka Region’s Hospital Chiefs of Staff and Medical Officer of Health (en anglais)
Get Your Mental Health in Motion encourages everyone to get moving for mental health
Dr. Nadiya Sunderji announced as new President and CEO of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care (en anglais)
Dr. Kevin Young named new Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chief of Staff (en anglais)
Le masquage universel se poursuivra à Waypoint
Waypoint recruits Dr. Rebecca Van Iersel as Medical Director Integrate Care (en anglais)
Waypoint Recruits recognized addiction specialist as new Medical Director, Concurrent Disorders (en anglais)
Waypoint accueille au conseil d’administration
Waypoint responds to August 17, 2022 incident (en anglais)
Time is running out to get your Drop the Ball raffle tickets (en anglais)
Waypoint expands access to ECT to help more people with severe mental illnesses (en anglais)
Canadian Singer-Songwriter Sophia Fracassi to headline Waypoint’s Shine the Light Gala for Youth Mental Health (en anglais)
Waypoint steps up acute mental health supports during critical time (en anglais)
October 2022 Sharing the Good Things Newsletter Now Available (en anglais)
Reflections on my first three months as President and CEO (en anglais)
Waypoint’s Dr. Andrea Waddell named as new regional Co-Lead, Mental Health and Addictions (en anglais)
Waypoint receives Certificate of Merit from Excellence Canada (en anglais)
People and collaborative approach drew Dr. Bernard Le Foll to Waypoint (en anglais)
Cutting-edge addiction and mental health services draws physician to Waypoint (en anglais)
Successes of 2022 help set the stage for an exciting year ahead for Waypoint (en anglais)
Waypoint’s new Enabling Plans set the direction for the hospital to continue to Serve, Discover and Lead for the next three years (en anglais)
Breaking down the barriers to accessing community-based mental health services (en anglais)
Waypoint hosts recruitment networking event to showcase the hospital and attract talent (en anglais)
Waypoint Research Institute receives $200,000 grant to support patient-oriented research and practice (en anglais)
Just Published - March 2023 Sharing the Good Things Newsletter
Lace up your walking shoes because Mental Health in Motion is back and we can’t wait!
Announcing Rohit Tandon as the next Vice President, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care (en anglais)
Canadian expert in addictions headlines Waypoint’s June 2nd Annual Report to the Community
Canadian addictions expert headlines Waypoint’s June 2nd Annual Report to the Community (en anglais)
Waypoint est une environnement convivial pour les masques
Waypoint obtient la cote la plus élevée
Waypoint’s Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program wins 2023 Award of Excellence in Mental Health and Addictions Quality Improvement (en anglais)
Leveraging artificial intelligence to make care safer for mental health patients (en anglais)
Two new members welcomed to the board of directors in July (en anglais)
Waypoint researchers launch cross-Canada project to address intimate partner violence (en anglais)
Waypoint stands with 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and allies
Renowned psychiatrist to join Waypoint
Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation
Family & Friends Gathering returns after pandemic your gateway mental health appointments
CIHR-funded study to examine impact of pandemic
A Thanksgiving message from Dr. Nadiya Sunderji
Recruitment networking event showcases employment
Shine the Light Gala
York U and Waypoint sign three-year commitment
Halloween and the stigmatization of mental illness
Announcing Waypoint's new Director of Philanthropy
Waypoint Research Institute 10th anniversary
L’Ontario interconnecte la population
Mental health and addiction support resources
Waypoint Wrapped
Research Chair in forensic mental health
Waypoint scientist appointed to governing council
Board member stepping up to raise funds
Horizon makeover promotes calmness
Dr. Andrea Waddell to advance medical leadership
Mental Health in Motion fast approaching
National Volunteer week
Mindfullness-based intervention
Waypoint and Chigamik unveil Smilezone
Committed to respecting Indigenous traditions
Stitching Together a Brighter Future
New senior leadership appointments
Blessing on 20-bed unit
WRI hosts event on patient-oriented research
Waypoint Charts path to "A Better Future"
Vermiculture in Awenda
Sweat lodges are important for patient recovery
Board vice-chair planning second fundraising walk
Waypoint At Home Program
Dr. Kevin Young talks Waypoint At Home
Health Infrastructure Renewal Funding for Waypoint
Dr. Nadiya Sunderji in Hospital News
Tips to handle back to school stress
Enhancing care for people in Emergency Departments
A Journey of Healing and Hope
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2024
A message of Thanksgiving
Waypoint receives 2024 Canada Award for Excellence
Enhancing care for older adults with dementia
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Interruptions téléphoniques actuelles
Waypoint (Francais)
Nouvelles et Évènements
À Waypoint
Interruptions téléphoniques actuelles
Interruptions téléphoniques actuelles
Posted on 03/18/2020