Ford Government asked to clarify pandemic pay (en anglais)
Posted on 05/26/2020
Ford Government asked to clarify pandemic pay
On behalf of thousands of healthcare workers across Ontario working on the frontlines during COVID-19, we are seeking immediate clarity on the implementation details and timing of the release of pandemic pay to support frontline workers.
It was officially been one month since the government committed to providing pandemic pay to frontline workers but it is still not clear whether the efforts of all of our healthcare workers will be recognized or if pandemic pay is restricted to a subset of employees.
The lack of clarity is contributing to extreme morale issues at the front line at a time when staff need to be supported most.
We are urging the provincial Government to immediately communicate the implementation details. It is critical that pandemic pay is made available to all workers on the frontline including all non-management front line providers and regulated health professionals.
Our frontline workers have been there to support us throughout COVID-19. We can't wait any longer to support them with the pandemic pay they deserve.
Click here to read the letter.