Accueillera de nouveau les visiteurs à Waypoint
Posted on 07/27/2020
Welcoming visitors back to Waypoint
What you need to know…
(Version français à venir)
Waypoint recognizes the crucial role that loved ones play in the lives of patients and their recovery journeys. We are pleased to report that there will be a phased re-introduction of visiting to the hospital starting Wednesday, July 29, 2020. There will NOT BE a resumption of OPEN visiting at this time. The number of visitors is being restricted for the safety of all patients, staff, and visitors, as COVID-19 continues to be present in the community. Given the importance of connectivity to family, friends and the community, we remain committed to continuing to use technology to enable virtual visits when in-person visits aren’t possible.
This is what you need to know about visiting a patient at Waypoint:
* Visits are by appointment only and must be scheduled at least 72 hours in
advance. Only visitors with a scheduled appointment will be permitted
to visit.
* Visits are 45 minutes with one visit as per availability in the weekly
* Only one visitor is permitted at the assigned time and the visit must take
place in the designated visiting area.
* Visitors must be healthy and have no symptoms of COVID-19.
* Visitors must read and follow the hospital’s visitor expectations during
* Visitors must arrive at the scheduled time and depart at the end of
scheduled visit.
* Visitors must participate in the screening process, including hand hygiene,
at the hospital entrance prior to proceeding to the unit.
* Visitors will be provided with a mask upon arrival and must wear the mask
at all times while inside the building.
* Visitors must wear a Visitor ID Badge for the duration of the visit.
* Following the screening, visitors must proceed directly to the designated
visiting area.
* Visitors must perform hand hygiene upon entering and exiting the
designated visiting area.
* Visitors must remain in the designated visiting area for the duration of the
visit, maintaining physical distancing practices where possible.
* Visitors must respect the time frame established for the visit and follow
safety and infection control instructions provided by staff.
* Only hospital-provided masks are permitted. Cloth masks are not permitted
to be worn during the visit.
* Visitors who do not pass the screening process may not enter the building.
* Visits are not permitted with newly admitted patients who are awaiting
COVID-19 test results.
* Patients who are confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19 cannot receive
visitors unless under exceptional circumstances (e.g. end of life).
* Visitors are not permitted to bring gifts or other items for patients, except
for those pre-approved as essential.
* Food is not permitted.
* Pets are not permitted.
* Visitors are not permitted to use patient washrooms.
* Visitors are not permitted to wander around the hospital or the unit they
are visiting.
* Visitors must adhere to additional Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC)
instructions if requested.
The visitor protocol is subject to change quickly without notice due to the evolution of the pandemic. If these conditions are not followed, staff may ask you to discontinue your visit. If your visit was discontinued by Waypoint staff for not adhering to hospital protocols, you may appeal this decision. Please speak with the team leader or clinical manager to file an appeal.
If you would like to book a visit with your loved one, please call the hospital at 705.549.3181 or toll free at 1-877-341-4729.