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mars2023-People Plan
Waypoint (Francais)
Notre organisme
Sharing the Good Things - Bulletin d'information
mars 2023 - Sharing the Good Things - Bulletin d'information
mars2023-People Plan
People Plan
Demetrios Kalantzis
Vice-President People and
Chief Human Resources Officer
Establish Waypoint as an employer of choice for skilled and diverse talent
Our people are at the heart of everything we do. A strong people strategy is essential to ensuring that we deliver on our commitment to providing exceptional person-centered care. Our People Plan was curated with consideration of the complex and dynamic external health care landscape that shapes us, as well as our changing internal environment. It serves as a roadmap towards achieving our vision of becoming an employer of choice, where staff, physicians, clinicians, trainees, and volunteers look forward to coming to work every single day.
To drive this aspiration, our efforts must be focused on improving our recruitment, retention, and leadership development strategies, as well as fostering a psychologically safe environment for our staff. This will enable us to deliver and support the evidence-based and compassionate mental health and addictions and specialized geriatrics care that our patients/clients and their families expect and deserve.
We are making a conscious and concerted effort to become even more focused on caring for our people and fostering their well-being, which is vital to developing a resilient Waypoint. To us, employee well-being is about building a culture of holistic wellness including physical, emotional, career, community, and purpose. A healthy and inspired workforce allows us to serve our patients/clients and provide them with the best care possible.
Over the next few years, we will advance equity, diversity and inclusion as priorities to ensure that we treat each other fairly and that all staff have opportunities to thrive and feel a sense of belonging. Breaking down the barriers and fostering skilled talent will help ensure we reflect the communities we serve. We recognize the importance of having an inclusive, participatory dialogue with diverse perspectives at the table and acknowledge that it is an integral element for our success moving forward.
We will enhance employee experience and organizational health and wellbeing, pushing us to focus on retention and ways to improve the day-to-day experience and long-term growth of staff while fostering a culture that values physical safety and mental health equally.
We will intensify recruitment efforts to attract highly sought-after skills and talent, working towards becoming an employer of choice and growing our profile as collaborative leaders in the community and health care system to instill pride in our existing staff and position us well as we look to recruit new employees and retain talent.
We will work proactively across all areas of the organization to identify emerging human resource needs, addressing challenges in our clinical and non-clinical areas with the appropriate techniques for each to improve staff experience while meeting the organization’s strategic needs.
The overarching aim of this plan is to cultivate an empowered, accountable, and healthy workforce that dares to innovate. We want to ensure that we have an inspired workforce with the appropriate skills and capacity to help us deliver on our strategic goals. This plan aims to strengthen, energize, and empower our workforce by providing staff with the tools and resources they need to provide and/or support safe, quality, and culturally informed care, with an emphasis on cultivating an environment for staff to excel in their roles, enabling them to thrive and strive towards individual and collective goals. The ultimate goal is to create an environment where staff are happy, healthy, and proud of the work they do together every day.
To read more about our Enabling Plans,
please click here