Student Placement Opportunities
Waypoint offers a wide range of student placement opportunities in various disciplines. For more information or to request a student placement opportunity, please complete the STUDENT PLACEMENT REQUEST/INFORMATION FORM and email the completed copy to [email protected].
Student Placement: An educational experience where students are being evaluated on their ability to meet prescribed curriculum requirements or objectives. Placements occur for a finite amount of time as agreed upon by the hospital and the academic institution.
Student/Learner: An individual enrolled in a post-secondary educational program covered under a Student Placement and/or Affiliation agreement between Waypoint and the respective academic institution and where clinical and/or practical experience and evaluation is required in order to fulfill prescribed curriculum requirements of learning objectives.
The request form found on this page is for “unpaid” student placements only.
If you are seeking a paid placement, please refer to positions posted as “Student Academic Placement” on our careers page.

COVID-19 Immunization: All students are required to be fully immunized against COVID-19 prior to attending placement at Waypoint, subject to the duty to accommodate under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Full immunization status is achieved when 14 days have passed after the second dose of a two-dose vaccine, or the first dose of a single-dose vaccine. For more information please contact [email protected].