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Donations support job skills and employment program at Community Health Hub
Donations support job skills and employment program at Community Health Hub
Coffee Cart Employment Program at the Community Health Hub 

Avery Vanderhorst, Betty Valentine, John Rodnick,
Scott Warnock and Beth McCormick

anxiously await the opening of the Coffee Cart

at the Community Health Hub

As pandemic restrictions ease, visitors and staff at the Community Health Hub can look forward to enjoying a beverage from the new coffee cart. 

The coffee cart is part of a new employment program for Waypoint clients that has been in the works for a couple of years. Employment specialists Jill Woodley, Jennifer Perrault and Anna Huson developed the concept and planned to begin the program to align with the move to the Community Health Hub last May. Unfortunately the pandemic delayed the start of the program and it remains on hold. 

The purpose of the Coffee Cart Program is to train community clients in customer service, cash handling and food service. This in-viro training is supported through evidence-based research and is an important step in training, assessing and enhancing job readiness skills. 

The cart itself was beautifully crafted by Marcelleville using wood from a tree that was removed during the construction of the Community Health Hub and was made possible in part through a donation from the Tom and Lucille Gay Memorial Fund at the Huronia Community Foundation. With a logo designed by Recreation Therapist Adam Vassair, the locally crafted piece honours the beautiful space dedicated to the mental and physical wellbeing of our community. 

If you or someone you know would like to sponsor or make a donation in support of the Coffee Cart program or other Waypoint fundraising priorities, please contact Holly Archer at [email protected]