Partnering to Shine-Up the Shrine
Waypoint's Rehabilitation Services is partnering with the Martyrs' Shrine, opening up new opportunities for patients and clients
Rural Medicine Week
12 years of welcoming medical students to live and learn in the Midland/Penetanguishene community and experience firsthand what rural medicine is all about
Building a new sweat lodge at Waypoint
Waypoint's Spiritual Care Team is deeply committed to supporting the cultural traditions of all of our patients as they move through their recovery journey.

Book launch at Waypoint
Robert Pacione is well known around Waypoint and in the community as a speaker and presenter. Now you can read his story in his new autobiography.
Ninety staff honoured at 2017 Long Service Awards
With a combined 2,363 years of service, this year we honoured 90 staff for the dedication and commitment to the People we Serve
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3rd Annual Mental Health in Motion
Join us on Saturday September 23 and explore the grounds at Waypoint and
Discovery Harbour like never before.
Sign up for the 5km walk/run, or 10km run, enjoy a yoga class, tackle The Kid Zone
or run, walk or roll around the 1km fun loop.
Kudos for our former Board members
Congratulations to two of Waypoint's former Board members who were honoured recently with prestigious awards
13th Annual Warden's Golf Tournament - September 14
Supporting Waypoint and Youth Mental Health
Join Warden Gerry Marshall at the 13th Annual Warden's Golf Tournament at Midland Golf and Country Club
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Waypoint honoured with Stage 6 recognition from HIMSS Analytics
In July, Waypoint was announced as only the eighth hospital in Ontario to achieve Stage 6 on the Electronic Medical Record Adoption ModelSM (EMRAM) from HIMSS Analytics
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We want to hear from you...
Improving patient care and the patient experience as our hospital is important to us. To do that, we need to hear about the experiences you and your loved ones had at Waypoint
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Working together to battle the opioid crisis
Waypoint participated with other health care providers, police and social service partners in the Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy Stakeholder meeting
Pink Day at Waypoint
Promoting civility and respect in the workplace as part of our psychological health, safety and wellness program
Advancing understanding and building a supportive community with Mental Health First Aid
You never know when you might encounter someone developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis, Mental Health First Aid could help!
Waypoint welcomes new vice-president of research and academics
Welcome to Dr. Nathan Kolla who joined the Waypoint research and academics team as the new vice-president