A Guide for Patients and Families - In Hospital, at Home and in the Community
Everyone at Waypoint is committed to ensuring a safe and healing environment for our patients. We invite you, your family, your friends and community to get involved in enhancing patient care.
Be Involved in Your Health Care
* Have your photograph taken upon admission and update it regularly
* Make decisions with your
treatment team
* Ask questions and seek clarification
* Be sure your patient identification is clear and legible
* Discuss your preferences, desired goals, values, strengths
and concerns
* Share your experiences
* Do not hesitate to inform the team when you are distressed
or feeling unwell
* If you need an interpreter, ask for one
* Tell your treatment team if you have a family member or
friend who would be helpful in your treatment and recovery
* Let us know if you wish to see an Aboriginal Healer,
Multi-faith Chaplain or attend worship services. We are committed to making your identified religious
practices and supports available to you
* Requests for outside assessments can be made by the patient or family, please contact the Psychiatrist-in-
Chief's office for further information